Accounting Defaults


Video Tutorial

For a video tutorial please view: Accounting Defaults


  1. Click on the Administration button. (Located on the bottom left side of Chorum)

  2. Select Default Settings. (Located on the left side of Chorum)

  3. Select Accounting Defaults.
    This screen will control several accounting configuration options. Below are some notable features.
    This screen may change with future updates

    1. Room Charge - This will determine what Department Code will be used for the nightly room charges posting on reservations.
    2. Cash - This will determine what Department Code will affect Cash revenue in reporting and in Shift Close.
    3. Transfer Credit/Debit - This will determine what Department Code will be used when using the Transfer button.
    4. Accounting Group - Room Charges - This will determine what accounting group will affect Room Charges in financial reports such as Managers Report.